World Creativity Day

by | Apr 19, 2016

Inspire. Innovate. Create.

World Creativity and Innovation day is observed today, April 21 across the world and the goal is to build capacity for everyone to be open to new ideas and to make new decisions that make the world a better place and make their place in the world better too, in ways that do not cause harm.

The day has been celebrated in over 46 countries since 2002.People in businesses, organizations, schools and communities take part in this day as they generate new ideas to create a brighter future.

World Creativity and Innovation Day was created for the purpose of awakening people’s imaginations to enrich their lives, both in business and as individuals. In 46 different countries the day is celebrated to promote unity through creativity. The day began in Canada in 2001 after it was reported that Canada was in a `creativity crisis’. As a result, Marci Segal, a believer in the importance of exercising creativity, called for a day for having fun and reviving innovation and creativity among the population, and in time across the world. The first celebration took place in April 2002, and by 2005 it had extended to a week, starting on 15 April, the birthday of Leonardo Da Vinci, and culminating in World Creativity and Innovation Day on 21 April.

The aim of this festival is to make the world a better place through creativity and innovative ideas. It is celebrated in different ways across the globe. The purpose to celebrate the unlimited potential of creativity; to raise awareness that all people by nature are creative; and to encourage people to use their creativity to improve their lives, their work, their community, and in so doing, prepare people to contribute to and be ready for the innovations to come.

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About the author Perry Johnson
Perry is a classically trained commercial photographer and graphic designer with more than 30 years experience as a marketing strategist. He is a principle at Imagica, a boutique marketing agency based in Sarasota, Florida. Imagica is dedicated to developing fluid, distinct and highly effective branding solutions for your business. With all services in-house, Imagica delivers exceptional value and provides both realistic and sustainable solutions to thrive in today's new markets.